Motion Stretch Studio Branding
Art Direction / Photography Direction / Branding / UI / Web Design
Founded by one of Orange Theory Fitness’s franchise owners, Motion Stretch Studio helps with elasticity, prevent injuries, and helps you feel better. With custom-tailored muscle treatments, Motion focuses on helping people stretch the “right” way, from active moms to professional athletes. We were asked to consult on a new brand from the ground up, from naming, to logo and identity, brand positioning, photography, and website.
Logo Concepts
We pitched three logo concepts, all with varying degrees of meaning to stretching
Concept 1: Infinity
The infinity symbol.
It’s always moving.
It’s always connected.
It’s in Motion’s philosophy of helping people go greater lengths.
It’s in the spiral line that runs through each and every one of our bodies.
This never-ending loop represents limitless possibilities, and it’s in everything we do.
Concept 2: Kinetic Energy
Newton’s first law states that a body in motion stays in motion. We couldn’t agree more.
Work with us, and every step will be in the right direction: forward.
Because nothing should get in the way of enjoying life to the fullest, especially not your body.
Concept 3: Elasticity
Elasticity is everything.
Every move you make in life has an elastic component.
It stores and releases energy, propelling you forward. It protects you as you move, absorbing the impacts life throws at you.
The more elastic you are in our training, the less pain there will be in your progress.
Final Logo
The idea behind the photography concept was based off of one of the brand taglines: A body in motion, stays in motion. We wanted to visualize how different people from all different lifestyles benefit from Motion Stretch Studio. Just because you’re not an athlete, doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need the recovery. We initially art directed some concept sketches with our in-house illustrator, then shot locally with XYZ, using both models the Motion Stretch Studio team, and stock photography.
Image 1: Concept sketch
Image 2: Concept sketch
Image 3: Concept sketch
Image 4: Concept sketch
Image 5: Concept sketch
Image 1: Final Photo
Image 2: Final Photo
Image 3: Final Photo
Image 4: Final Photo
Image 5: Final Photo
The initial scope of work was to create a splash page for the company, but throughout the project the scope increased to a working website with booking functionality. Since Motion Stretch Studio was just getting started and had a relatively small budget, we recommended building a site using Squarespace. This gave us a template to work with, little to no engineering time, and ease of use to hand off to the client. A template was chosen based on business needs and I designed pages based on this template in Sketch so we had some guidance to work from.
While the client’s internal teams took this on after we handed it off, many aspects of the website have changed, but the core branding is still very much present.
Creative direction: Brian Shown
Art direction: Kelly Zerbe
Agency: Swirl